Election Over...
Finally, the campus election is over. After a very tiring week, finally we are there, we have won the election. Though some of my friends can't make it ( Shahrul, Hwa Ree, Wai Kiong ), I've like to wish them all the best, they have been working very hard for the election, and they lost it with dignity. In malay words, we can describe it as 'kalah bergaya =) '.. It has been very nice to know you guys, and don't stop supporting us k..
Congratulations to all...
So, congratulations to all the candidate that have won the election, uncontested or contested. Remember, the campus election is just a small step towards a greater challenge as MPP. Don't ever forget ur voters, and the people who always have trust in you..
Thanks For Everything...
I would like to make an infinity thank you wish to all my friends or all of our supporters who have been working very hard as our supporters. We really appreciate you guys. There's nothing in this world can pay ur supports, only with our prayers that you guys will always have a good life in this world and akhirat, insyaallah. May Allah S.W.T bless you...

P/s : Happy 21st bday to me, hehehe...